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In considering whether or not to enroll for the Mystical Dance® Teacher Training Course (MDTTC), let it be emphasized that there is an extensive quantity of dance and women’s development material condensed into a six-week, 250-hour training course. Please do not underestimate the mental and physical demands which will be placed on participants. We ask that you seriously evaluate your levels of physical, psychological, and spiritual maturity before enrolling in this course. Also, please only apply if you truly feel you can benefit from this program. If you are presently a movement teacher and feel you already know how to effectively facilitate such groups, please do not apply.
Please read the following statements. By checking the signature box on the application form, an applicant signifies that she has read, understood, and agreed to accept the terms set forth.
- The Mystical Dance® TTC is structured with the best intentions toward helping me become a successful Mystical Dance® teacher, and extensive consideration has been put into the schedule and methodology presented. I commit to do my best to participate according to the course structure. If I have specific personal needs, Yogic or otherwise, I will discuss them with a Mystical Dance® administrator.
- By virtue of being an intensive program, the Mystical Dance® TTC may raise personal issues or shortcomings. The program is meant to encourage personal growth and, therefore, may impel considerable changes in attitude. For these reasons, the MDTTC can be challenging and demanding. I accept responsibility for all aspects of my behavior during this program.
- Adherence to punctuality and attendance are primary factors in the success of the MDTTC. I accept responsibility for being on time to all program sessions. I understand that active, regular attendance in the program is required to receive the Mystical Dance® teaching certificate. Any questions around my participation should be discussed with the Mystical Dance® TTC teacher and administrators.
- There will be many opportunities for practice, study, and other activities at the school. I accept responsibility for managing my time, diet, and personal relationships in ways which support my full participation and attendance in the MDTTC.
- Mystical Dance® students come from a variety of countries and backgrounds. In order to create a supportive environment, I assume responsibility for maintaining an attitude of respect toward my colleagues in the course. If any interpersonal difficulties or conflicts arise, I pledge to seek the advice of the Mystical Dance® TTC teacher and administrators.
- Mystical Dance® offers spiritual teachings outside the parameters of any one specific practice or religion. The MDTTC raises issues that are metaphysical in nature, concepts and theories that may challenge my personal belief system. I agree to keep an open mind, and to exercise common sense, discernment, and a balanced attitude in order to fully appreciate the teachings offered.
- Mystical Dance® is a Tantric system. In the MDTTC, there will be teachings that address the Tantric view of sexuality, along with other esoteric and mystical issues. However, there is no explicit sexual instruction or practice offered as part of the MDTTC. Any personal interest in this subject may be pursued through Agama Yoga’s regular courses of study and workshops at a later date. I assume responsibility for my own mature attitude toward this aspect of the Mystical Dance® teachings and pledge to be respectful toward my colleagues in the Mystical Dance® program and the Agama Yoga community.
- The Mystical Dance® certificate acknowledges the successful completion of the 250-hour program. Graduates are certified to share the Mystical Dance® teachings within the parameters and spirit of how the program was taught. I accept to use discretion and respect with engaging the Mystical Dance® name and curriculum, and understand that within the Agama Yoga, Koh Phangan, Thailand community itself, the only Mystical Dance® programs offered are either by Monika Nataraj or pre-approved short teaching practicums. Within Koh Phangan, Thailand, I fully accept to follow the parameters of sharing this work so as not to compromise nor overlap with the Mystical Dance® curriculum and workshops offered by Monika Nataraj. Further details on this will be shared in the MDTTC.
- There will be formal photos and videos taken at different times during the MDTTC to be used by Monika Nataraj for promotional and archival purposes. A select number of these photos will be available for MDTTC graduates to use, within the parameters of crediting the photographer and clearly noting that these images are from the Mystical Dance Teacher Training Course.

Dancing faces you towards Heaven, whichever direction you turn.
~ Terri Guillemets